Available BFL components
The following is the complete list of 27 available BFL components together with the short description of each component as well as the list of configurable properties.
The following is the complete list of 27 available BFL components together with the short description of each component as well as the list of configurable properties.
This component allows grouping several Panel components.
There are two buttons for panel addition and deletion. Click on the panel definition in a table selects it and it becomes possible to edit it’s parameters. The only difference is that parameter Collapsible is always set by default for each panel.
This component allows making an element contained inside to become affixed (locked) to an area on the page. This is often used with navigation menus or social icon buttons to make them "stick" at a specific area while scrolling up and down the page.
Top-most position of the element.
Bottom-most position of the element.
All parameters are optional
This component allows providing contextual feedback messages for typical user actions with the handful of available and flexible alert messages.
Sets the color of alert message.
Required parameter
If set, the alert is dismissible by user.
If set, adds a fading effect when closing the alert message.
Bootstrap framework provides a grid system that presents a page as 12 columns with equal width. It is possible to group the columns together to create wider columns. This mechanism allows to make sites responsive to the screen size. This component allows to create horizontal groups of columns. Content should be placed within columns, i.e the row contains cells and cells contain other components.
Component configuration consists of two parts: input fields for cell parameters and table with all cells contained in a row. There are two buttons for cells addition and deletion. Click on the cell selects it and it becomes possible to edit it’s width and offset or to delete it using button. Cells can be sorted by offset or by width in ascending or descending order. It’s possible to choose which columns in the table are displayed: width, offset or both.
By default the row contains two cells with the width 6 and offset 0. It is equivalent to the two columns of the same width.
Determines width of the cell in parts of twelve (i. e. 1 means 1/12 of width of row).
Determines offset to the right of the cell in parts of twelve (i. e. 1 means 1/12 of width of row).
All parameters are required
Creating «Bootstrap Row» component
This component allows grouping a series of buttons together on a single line.
The name of button group.
By default - Normal
On this tab it is possible to add, delete and configure items of the button group which can be button, dropdown or regular link.
Provides button functionality. Allows to easily change the design.
Required parameter
Required parameter
Required parameter
If set, button spans the full width of its parent
Text shown on the button.
Required parameter
Component for cycling through elements, like a slideshow.
By default - Hover
Maximum allowed number of slides.
The interval between slides switching in milliseconds.
By default - 5000
If set, the slides are shown without interruption.
By default - False
If set, the indicators of slides are shown.
By default - True
If set, the control arrows are shown.
By default - False
If set, the keyboard control is allowed.
By default - False
All parameters are optional
This component allows creating drop-down lists.
Text that will be represented as link.
Required parameter
Required parameter
Text that will be represented as link.
The destination address of the link.
Text that will be represented on mouse hover.
Here it’s possible to fill drop down list with the help of aforementioned properties.
Link with the additional graphic design.
Text that will be represented as link.
Required parameter
The destination address of the link.
Required parameter
Sets the behaviour of the link: should it open in a new tab or in the same.
By default - same window
By default - regular link
Type of graphical effect used for link stylization that appears when the user clicks on a link or hovers it with a mouse.
Required parameter
The other parameters depend on the chosen tip type
This component allows to use different stylized images.
The resource that should be dragged and dropped from DAM. It is possible to clear image associated with this component by pressing "Clear" button. By pressing "!" button opens the image info window where is shown the path to image resource. If is not set in Edit mode the image is shown as placeholder thumbnail, in Preview mode image is not shown at all.
Text that is shown as a tooltip when the cursor is placed on image.
If set, the image isn't adaptive to screen resolution and is shown as it is on all screens. In other case (default) the size of the image will be changed according to the screen resolution.
All parameters are optional
This component indicates a large callout for calling extra attention to some special content or information. It is possible to customize it by inserting other components, for example text, buttons etc.
Required parameter
It is possible to choose the color from the palette or set it's code manually using HEX color code.
The image resource that should be dragged and dropped from DAM. It is possible to clear image associated with this component by pressing "Clear" button. By pressing "!" button opens the image info window where is shown the path to image resource.
Hyperlink that can be stylized as button, may lead to a subtitle on the same page or to the other page.
Text that will be represented as link.
Required parameter
The destination address of the link. Can be a path to the other page or an anchor on the same page.
Required parameter
Text that will be represented on mouse hover.
Sets the behavior of the opened link: should it open in a new tab or in the same.
By default - same window
By default - regular link
This component allows to use images and SoundCloud / YouTube / Vimeo objects combined with text.
Media object width proportion in percents.
Required parameter
Sets position of media object in relation to the text:
Required parameter
Sets position of media object in relation to the borders:
Required parameter
Title of content section displayed.
Text that will be displayed beside the media object.
Type of the media object:
Required parameter
The other parameters depend on the choosen media type.
Creating «Media Object» component
This component allows creating flexible dialog boxes which are supposed to appear if some event happens.
Determines a modal dialog title.
By default - Disabled
Sets the size of pagination panel.
By default - Normal
Required parameter
Enables animated appearance and disappearance.
By default - Enabled
Closes dialog on backdrop click.
By default - Enabled
Closes dialog when pressing Escape button.
By default - Enabled
This component is connected with Navbar and Link components. It is possible to combine them and create convenient navigation bar.
By default - Left
Required parameter
Required parameter
It set, the collapse icon for mobile devices is disabled.
By default - Disabled
The brand consists of Image and Panel components. It means that the brand configuration contains configurations of aforementioned components.
By default - Enabled
It is a component with configurable structure for text content.
By default - Plain Text
If set, the panel’s body by default is hidden until user clicks on a header of the panel.
By default - Disabled
Determines a header of the panel.
By default - Plain Text
Determines a body of the panel. It represents a configuration of foundation text component.
Determines a footer of the panel.
Section is an area where the author puts the components. It is one of the general structural elements which are used for page building. It is supposed that the template has only one “Section container” component which consists of “Section” components.
By default - Normal
Required parameter
Indicates a title attribute for this section tag.
Required parameter
Determines section height in pixels (0/empty - auto-expanded). Value is required for section with type slider.
By default - Opaque Color
Allows choosing a background color or entering a HEX code of the color.
By default - #FFFFFF
By default - None
Embeddable SoundCloud audio player.
By default - Two column with small poster
Required parameter
Allows choosing a player color or entering a HEX code of the color.
By default - #FF5500
By default - Disabled
Determines content by user or track id. It depends on «Hide playlist» attribute.
Required parameter
It activates audio automatically.
By default - Disabled
Hides related tracks.
By default - Disabled
By default - Disabled
By default - Disabled
By default - Disabled
A table with Bootstrap design, which has the ability to switch between pages. It is an extension of the standard component «table».
Default configuration of the standard table component.
If set, activates additional functionality for showing only some items at a time and for switching between pages.
By default - Disabled
Sets the size of pagination panel.
By default - Normal
It determines the max amount of rows on a page.
By default - 20
Required parameter
Configures a max number of page buttons. If there are more pages, some buttons will be hidden.
By default - 10
Required parameter
Toolbar serves to unite button group components. If there are a lot of different button groups and it is necessary to divide them into separate groups there is a good way to do it using a toolbar.
It has no configuration because it’s possible to specify all necessary data in button group dialog.
Embeddable video player.
Determines content by Vimeo video id.
Required parameter
By default - 16 x 9
Required parameter
Allows to choose a player color or to enter a HEX code of the color.
By default - 00adef
Allows to use fullscreen mode.
By default - Disabled
Auto playing of video.
By default - Disabled
Infinite playing of video.
By default - Disabled
By default - Disabled
By default - Disabled
Embeddable video player.
Determines content by Youtube video id.
Required parameter
By default - 16 x 9
Required parameter
Hides the control panel of the player.
By default - Disabled
Hides the video after it finishes.
By default - Disabled
Hides the information about video such as the title and author.
By default - Disabled